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  • Writer's pictureCaitlin May

What is Australia's global 'brand'?

We have previously looked at examples of brands using Aussie slang to promote their products, but what about Australia's 'brand' as a country? What do people think of when they think of Australia, and how is this changing?

The article below explores the question: Who are we as a nation?

Useful quotes from the article:

'If you ask a representative section of Australians who we are as a nation, our brand if you will, you will get a patchwork of answers as diverse as the country we are. If there is any dominant response, it is those that espouse the Australian values of mateship, a she’ll-be-right attitude and the image of the Aussie larrakin.'

'Hoges threw another shrimp on the barbie, Sid the seagull slip, slopped and slapped, we sung C’mon Aussie C’mon and hummed My Dad picks the fruit that goes to Cottee’s. These ads all forged a collective sense of what it meant to be an Australian. It was fun, it was carefree, and it spoke to Australians about who we are.'

'Australia today is a very different place. We are diverse and we are divided, and it’s not hard to see why.'

'The fact is we don’t know who we are. We know who we were, but the advertising image of Australia from the 1970s/80s is no longer accurate.'


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