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  • Writer's pictureCaitlin May

Case study: Dan Andrews and the 'big vibe'

We have already discussed the slang lexeme 'vibe' (see our post here) and its diverse uses; it is generally used by the younger demographic, and particularly by teenagers.

In October 2021, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews used the noun phrase 'big vibe' in one of his tweets about the easing of the state's restrictions, acknowledging that the phrase was more typical of his teenage kids. The positive connotations of this phrase reflect the positivity of the announcement, although those not familiar with the term may not fully understand this.

Here, Andrews employs teenage slang in public communication to reinforce his public image of being a typical laidback Australian who doesn't take himself too seriously. It is also an attempt to connect with the younger generation of voters coming through, although you can be the judge of whether he has successfully pulled off the use of this slang!


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