Case study: Word(s) of the Year 2021
Case study: Is today a 'No Bones Day'?
Case study: Is a 'vaxxie' a thing?
Case study: Dan Andrews and the 'big vibe'
Case study: Brands and creative language use
Attitudes to language; prescriptivism vs descriptivism
Generational language change and slang
Case study: Language for the vaccine rollout
Intro to ethnolects
Case study: Politics and lexical choice
Internet and linguistic innovation
Emoji(s), identity and language change
Case study: Brands and Aussie slang
The role of dictionaries in recording language change
Case study: PM Scott Morrison's 'not particularly flash' lexical choice
Case study: Australian culture, swearing, and taboo language
Case study: The rise of 'woke'
Case study: 'Deadly' and 'mob' in Aboriginal English
Case study: Nicknames in politics - friend or foe?
Case study: 'Vaxx', 'jab' and the pandemic's enduring influence on our language